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A member registered Apr 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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This Game is so funny...even the ghost cannot chase me from behind and getting stuck in the wall like gmod noclip activated.🐸💀

Thank you very much for playing my game buddy!!🔥✨ very appreciate with your content🔥...keep it up my guy👍

Thanks for playing my game buddy!... Im very appreciate your words🔥

Thankyou very much!🔥

Thank you buddy...oh this one is the old version of demo thats why it has to many bug. Im sorry about it. BTW THANKS FOR PLAYING.🔥

Eyyy!, thank you so much very appreciate your words and i am enjoyed watching this video. THANK YOU VERY MUCH.🔥

Hello there!...Thanks For Playing My Game, im sorry about the bug problem and Later i will fix it. And thank you very much for giving me some idea, im still working on full version right now and my brain blown away like crazy just because thinking about all the idea in every boxes. BTW THANK YOU VERY MUCH🔥

Damnnn.... The Game is actually good and the artstyle are marvelous, its dope and i love it so much!🔥

Hello there!... Can you give me more information about the problem so i can fix it later, Thank you.

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I am very enjoyed Watching This Gameplay and i am very appreciate it!. Your words make me feel like i will never give up on creating this game. I know BGE is getting old but it is very useful to me even i have unity game engine. Oh about the game, im sorry if it was very laggy but my friends and I tested it very well and it was no lag at all. Btw, THANKS FOR PLAY MY GAME BUDDY🔥❤.

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing my Game dude!. I was enjoy watching your Gameplay And im so glad you like it!....Thank you very much!