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The Supreme Chancellor X

A member registered Jun 29, 2020 · View creator page →

Recent community posts

This game was great,  I saw there maybe a second one, I'll have to play that too.. here is the video on my channel!

I enjoyed this game. It really got me jumping and confused as I was running, trying to figure out how to get away. Good job for a short game.

This game has a lot pf potential and can could be made into an awesome story game with lots of mystery and exploration. The atmosphere is creepy and the backstory made me wonder about the entire place. I want to see it expanded!

Recently played this on my channel, I liked it. Simple with great jump scares lol - had to get all three endings.

oh cool. Thanks for checking it out!

Played this game, I liked it, it had me jumping a bit and had an interesting story.

Played this a while ago, loved it. Did a video on my channel!

This maybe a short game, but holy heck, it was good. I jumped a lot, played it on my channel!

Played this on my channel. I had to laugh because I played twice and didn't get the title, was literally what happens..great game!

I had a blast playing this game. one point the jump scares made me throw back in my chair lol