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A member registered Jul 09, 2019 · View creator page →

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Well I'd like to contribute in some way.  If you get something set up let me know

I've tinkered with it for sure.  I need to get more into it.  Great update with the windowed mode by the way.  Is there a way I can email you?  Or do you have a discord?

Cool.  I got it from steam.  I'm not proficient in Game Maker, and I wish I was, because I'd love to work on this with you.  I use Clickteam and I was curious if that's what you used, because it looks like it could have been made with it.

This is a really neat thing.  How was it made?

Oof I completely misunderstood.  I'm sorry.  I meant BASIC source, if available.

I'm a little late to the party but I'd love the source for gamemaker.