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Straight Woman

A member registered Jan 19, 2023 · View creator page →

Recent community posts

how to get savior of Greyfold :O

(1 edit)

is this playable in ios?

does the gme support windows 7?

havent tried the update but excited to meet roland <3

gah damn, i almost forgot whos charlotte

wym? the download file have mobile version

no more roland content? (feed me plz)

do you have any social media? your art are so tasty i wanna see more

vic seems cool (maybe not? maybe yes?)

(1 edit)

took me hours to avoid get smashed

bawlings my eyes out

i remember play this game free in browser last year, i just  checked this game again and wonder what happend? (cause now i have to pay to play the IF + sorry for my bad grammar, english is not my first language)

nvm, i fixed it

nvm, i deleted it and download it again, now its working :3

what should i do when my chrome local storage quota exceeded??

uhh why i can't run the game?

this is funny, lmao

why alex pronouns become "$a_Their" ?

Why 'R.I.P Jared' achievement can to acquire multiple times? like bug from casino

> Spoiler (maybe?)

" if you ever get a chance to kiss a rich girl, you'll see, those fancy tinctures they put on their lips taste like candy..." ...Ma'am how did you know that? 🤨

Kitty?????!?! YES

it's funny for no reason

i haven't tried the game yet but i'll be waiting for the female protagonist

(i was like 'ayo what???' as i see the 'how long is your penis ?') :skull:

gotta make dude become cool

not gonna lie, i sleeped in mid game

Moment at word choice time and i see "P-Please...ligma.." in the options, i know what will i choose.

Kian. :]

When first meet with Jun i thought his upper lip is the pink mustache :cry:

i need more the MC girl with the collector <3

Gonna do anything for him fr.