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A member registered Feb 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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Brilliant game!

(1 edit)

After months of development, we are very happy to release our first game - FlutterFly. It's currently only available on Google Play Store. But we plan to make an App Store launch soon. We also have few planned feature updates for the game which will roll out in coming weeks.

Game overview

FlutterFly is a very light and simple hypercasual game about a butterfly trying to cross a forest of hoops. You control the butterfly with 1-tap control: tap to hop and pass through the hoops. You lose if you miss a hoop, hit the ceiling or the floor. If you time your hops perfectly to pass a hoop, you get extra points but if you barely make it through, you only get a single point. 

Our team (we are a team of eight) learned a lot about Unity2D development, art, simple vfx and more while making this game. We think it was a good first effort and moving forward, we will try to make more games with more distinct traits and better overall quality. If you have any suggestions or critic regarding our game, please feel free to share it!

Check out our game here: