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A member registered Aug 02, 2021

Recent community posts

Hey, I was wondering if we could get some more quests involving iski. Maybe an option to add her to your party? I know you guys have your hands full with the combat as it is, and the added dialogue from having a new member of the party would be a lot of work. But... I think that her character would add a lot to the game, and a rogue-ish character doesn't exist in terms of combat. You could do all sorts of awesome stuff like backstab bonuses, stealth modifiers, etc. I would definitely be willing to drop some cash on patreon if I knew this was something to look forward to.

If not, that's fine too. Love seeing you guys improve this game and still having the drive to do so for so long, been a fan for quite a while. I made an account just to post this after all. Keep it up!