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A member registered Jul 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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I love this game so much!! I love it so much about that everytime I try to write this comment it just doesn't do my feelings justice. I typically don't feel much when it comes to romantic visual novels but this game is the exception. This game had me so invested that anytime I wasn't playing it, I was thinking about playing it. And like every time the mood shifted mine also shifted with it, like if the tone was happy I was also happy, but if it shifted to being tense I became tense with it. I also LOVE the characters, they feel very three-dimensional, I definitely think you succeeded with 'show not tell' with them. At the very end, when Artemis was crying, I genuinely felt like crying with them, and I don't cry easily. All in all, if there was one experience that I could relive, it would definitely be playing this game for the first time. I'm now kind of interested in making my own visual novel now. Sorry if this was formatted weird, I'm not great at writing emotional stuff lol