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A member registered Sep 06, 2015 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Hey Kenney,

Been a fan of your assets for a while since I found your work on OGA ages ago and I own both of your asset bundles. I was pretty ecstatic to see audio having been added to this one. I almost actually commented on this about a week before the last update and would have mentioned how I would like to see (or hear) some new audio. Keep up the great work! I hope I can produce something with your work to show off soon.

Best Regards,


PS... If I could make a request, though I wouldn't honestly expect this from you, maybe some household assets? I'm working on a design doc for a casual baby management game and need to get some art done for the game..babies, cribs, tables, tubs, etc... Again, though, not expecting anything! But you don't get if you don't ask. ;) Keep on keeping on!