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A member registered Jul 22, 2022

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This ties for best game of the jam for me. Simply incredible and immensely engaging.

(1 edit)

Perfection. Incredibly creative and FUN take on the theme. Best game of the jam for me.

From a general perspective, great game! From a game jam perspective, the theme is poorly integrated; when the control mechanism of the theme is frustrating and the game would be miles better without it, you know it was shoehorned in. 

I havent seen anything like this through out the jam, so top marks for creativity! The core idea is awesome, but the execution leaves something to be desired. I think that making the process of impacting the dice more enjoyable (like actively controlling a character that tries to bounce it off their head as opposed to placing static objects) would go a long way!

Great game! Art was beautiful, take on the theme was original, gameplay was entertaining.

My main quibble is that there is no disincentive for firing without caring what you are shooting. As a result, I unfortunately did not pay attention whatsoever to the dice mechanic. It was as if the enemies were just larger damage sponges. This was doubly so with the boss.

Here are my two recommendations: 

First, make it worth the players while to pay attention to the dice, be that through a combo system that rewards shooting only the appropriate dice while disposing of the others or by making each shot that hits an enemy but is not the proper dice hurt you instead. Or maybe make the dodge available only when a combo is maintained!

Second, put the dice at the cursor instead of the player character. Whenever I play these types of games, my focus is on the cursor while the character is in my periphery. 

Great game otherwise! Loved the art, music, and the take on the theme. Just needs a bit more to fully integrate the theme,

Great take on the theme so high marks for creativity. I loved the presentation; beautiful art. Enjoyment wise, could be improved to make it more engaging.

The game itself is great, but the dice bit is tacked on. The game would in fact be massively improved and streamlined if the dice were removed. This to me seems as if it missing the point.