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A member registered Jan 09, 2017

Recent community posts

Please let the hammer have the effect.....please...I want my enemies to die in a splash of fire and molten robot bits XD, if its not in this update, can it be taken as a suggestion? Along with creating a cracked fiery crater when the hammer hits the ground?

Great Work on the Game Too!

Agreed on all points +1
Instead of making a second thread, i'll just include a point of mine that adds on.

Specifically in Endless Mode, being the only mode I've played since the update, the difficulty scales way too quickly! I had a run just now, where I was confronted with a bunch of hammer bots, rolling thru all three tiers! Blue, Red, and Purple! Two of them to be exact ( I managed to make saw one)! And that was the third level! Tell me that's not intentional...

(Let's see if I can post a screenshot)