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A member registered Sep 21, 2018

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just came here to say i love the demo and cant wait to buy this game its simply perfect (this coming from the guy who still has F16 mrf installed on his pc) the game works brilliantly on my system so issue's encountered at all (ryzen 1700, gtx 1080, 16 gb ram ) will be doing a 4k run this weekend. and yes i'm recommending this game to all my friends (all 3 of them [just kidding) hope to see a co op and custom match mode it would simply let me and my friends have a blast. if you are considering co op please dont limit it to just 2 or 4 players make it so 16 or even 32 players can dish out some serious pain on the enemy bots and give us the ability to control the waves and the number of bots per wave or even have multiple objectives like base bombing or distant sam site raids so that it doesn't get monotonous in a single match. but from what ive seen till now you have managed to keep the base assault mission pretty well balanced with various objectives so cheers mate.