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A member registered Nov 03, 2019

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Okay, I managed to play the window version, and there's definitely bugs. After the end of the first day, I'm immediatly getting the part where everything is dark. And I didn't really find the code, I think that was the renpy version of something like that, so I AM dumb, but in my defense, nor the LIGHT or any other files after that appears in the dark part was in the mac file. I checked after I redowloaded the game. So I guess that's why I got the dark part immediatly, and why the code didn't work. I didn't finish the game yet, but I'll tell here if I find anything related to the bugs on the mac version

Hi ! So, I liked the part of the game I'e been throught already ! But I think I've been geeting bugs with my mac version. (Spoilers)

I think the one at the end of the day is intentionnal, but when I wake up in the dark, whenever I click on something there's a "an exception has occured" appearing. Sometimes it's not in the same lines, and I think it's preventing me from progressing with the phone (I think I found the code, but it doesn't work when I type it, saying the same thing as if I typed random numbers, and it shows two errors after I click on the phone, so I guess it could be linked).

Am I just dumb and need to do something else before typing the code or is there really a problem that needs to be fixed ? If so, do you want me to put screenshots of the different errors i've been getting ?

Thank you in advance.  (And sorry for my possible bad english...)