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A member registered Aug 28, 2022 · View creator page →

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*minor spoilers*







Suggestion: Yousef and Fierro should also be dateable characters that you would just unlock midway through Kamil's route. I feel Yousef gives off dateable vibes and he's gay, so... Also there should be an option to accept Fierro's offer, even if he wouldn't be dateable.

the confusing thing is that it's the same save I started the game with, and it's also the same device.

Can anyone explain something for me? I dowloaded the newest update, as I haven't played since september. I open the new app that it downloaded ad my saves are there, but when I attempt to load one it warns me that it was made on another device, and when I tell it to proceed all it does is just give me a rollback error screen

Even if we got an ending where we don't just get a game over screen, it'd be a pretty depressing ending. I'd be willing to accept an ending where Jun suffers an injury similar to Yuuichi's, but not if the story just continues from Jun's death

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That's not an ending yet though I think. I'm pretty sure there's more to it than that. Just hasn't been updated yet

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**Spoiler Alert**

Wait, you're telling me the ending where Mikko freaks out, completely dumps Arvo as a friend, and we never hear from him again isn't the bad ending? In that case, can we get an ending where Mikko actually stays with us, rather than Mikko leave us no matter what we do or change?

I thought we see his model in the park scene on Haruki's route?

I'm on Haruki's route, and in the Volleyball game after talking to Shoichi I'm met by Taro, but the sprite is a placeholder sprite

Can't wait for it to drop!


What toot69 said

It's not the end, Shiro is just moving to Repeat for a bit, then I'm sure they'll come back to TB

I was joking, and even if I weren't, does anyone really follow age restrictions?

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I need something explained.

I'm on my Kindle, using Ren'Py to run android apps. I'm updating to 2.4 from 2.3, and when I continue from my last save, I am brought to the author's note right away. Please help, I want to experience 2.4

Owen is confirmed to be 19 and the other main characters, they are an unknown age but are thought to be a couple years younger than Owen. As for side characters, Samuel is somewhere in his thirties and one of the wishes is over 100 years old. All other ages idk

The entire time I was going through Sissel's route all that was going through my mind was either "why the fuck are people dying" or "what the fuck is happening"

It doesn't end badly its just got the same feeling of a book when it ends off like, for example...

I pick up the phone and hear a voice, hesitantly I answer, "Dad?"

End. Or is it?

(This was actually taken from the first novel in a series I'm trying to publish btw)