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A member registered Dec 20, 2021

Recent community posts

Another perspective: As a customer, software developer and business owner, I will offer other perspectives.  

You have a well liked product in BtC.  You have stated you look forward to working on visual novels at the end of your normal work day.  These are very positive attributes and can be the basis for financial success.

Now for some honest feedback. From a customer perspective, your current choices have a negative effect on your brand as a creator/developer.  Customers will naturally now ask if your next project will also be abandoned before completion. This will affect the number of customers willing to pay for BtC or future projects.  It will also affect how much customers will be willing to pay.

From a pure business perspective, you get paid for results, not for effort.  The amount you can charge for results depends on what customers perceive as valuable in the quality and content of your product.

You can change course and finish BtC.  If you chose this path, by releasing incremental content or finalizing the story, you could get a better idea of what customers are willing to pay for your work.

Please know I make these comments out of respect for the great work you have done with BtC and my sincere wish that you can create a successful business doing the work you enjoy. I wish you all the best as you determine your path forward!