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A member registered Feb 09, 2019

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Hi! This game is awesome but I have a few recommendations

1. The directions could be a bit more clear had to restart a few times before I  Got what I had to do
2. If you accidentally zoom in too much the game flips upside down
3. Sometimes the text in the cut scenes can't be seen
4. IDK if this was on purpose or not but some characters end up on the roof of the shop  
5. "W" has two meanings so you might want to have another key change the time of day
6. do the different colors of the coffee mean something? if so try to make it more apparent
7. the furniture is beautiful but it leaves little room maybe try to make the shop a bit bigger?

But, the music and design are beautiful, the idea is amazing and the dialogue is really funny!
Keep up the good work! : D