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A member registered Jun 26, 2017

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Yes you can, all he has to do is release a few map files and tell us where to put them

Or at least a few new maps for beta 5

(3 edits)

Congratulations on this amazing creation!! Loads quickly, awesome experience. Dont need to throw away $60 on another COD clone!

I understand that Beta 6 is a source of income for you, in fact I say you deserve it for making RavenField. I gave up on mainstream gaming a long time ago, Ravenfield did not bring me back, but it certainly did impress a lot.

I've since then finished all maps with (much) happiness and was wondering if we could all have some more...

I'm not asking for Beta 6, but can you at least release a few more maps for Beta 5? Or at least give players the option to add their own maps and weapons, this way, you actively encourage community participation and this is also one of the ways larger production studios gather a solid fanbase around a game. Trust me when I say this, RavenField has the potential to go AAA and this is one of the first steps leading to it.

(1 edit)

There is a game like this Brian. Its called Unturned.

Its like minecraft with guns and zombies + survival + vehicles.

Its on steam for free.

You can do everything you do in minecraft (crafting etc) + awesome gun physics + okay zombies. It is MMO but you can create a single server with only you in it for any map to get an awesome singleplayer experience.