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A member registered Jun 20, 2018

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I just finished the entirety of the series and fell in love with each and every single character, main and side.  I cried a couple of times, and had to pause to really think. (And give some much deserved $$$ to the patreon)

The way the world building is really subtle and natural, snippets of information given to piece together, is amazing. The flow of one game to the next, minor things from one seen in the next, is refreshing and so cool. 

The tiny things; like the easy leniency of gender identity, or the way that both sides (the discriminated/discriminators) are given a chance to be understood as to why they see it the way they do. 

The art, OMG, the art is so beautiful and cute and awesome. The color choice blend so well to set the atmosphere; the snow made me chilly, the rain made it gloomy, and the bright pink trees made it wonderful. 

Gosh, there's so much more to love and say, but I'll take up the entire comment section. 

All in all, this is an amazingly awesome series, the kind that'll leave an impression even years after. Thank you for all the hard work, effort, and time you guys put into this series-it all shows in the game!!!