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A member registered Aug 05, 2022

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You have to avoid all lasers that the monster shoots, and when his mana gets to 0 then walk into him.

Holy fuck, I don't know what to say! Amazing story, very great lewd scenes, just loving it! Amazing work! Keep up the working! Can't wait future updates. Take care.

(1 edit)

Pretty fun game!
Love to play it.
But the game needs fixes and improvements.

Gun improvements!:

- The ammo capacity could be more like 8 or 9
- More ammo around the map. (I don't have enough ammo, even if I don't miss the shots, I still have just enough to kill the monster, if I collect all the ammo, but if I miss then the chance that I can't continue my journey become high!)
- Better shooting control. (I can't shoot under my self, not even close to my feet. The range where I can shoot is too limited.)
- Manual reload needing! (Like I have 1 ammo and there is a monster I want to kill, but I don't want to waste my ammo, because I don't get much so somehow I have to manage kill it and reload during the battle. Which is pretty hard, because while I reload I can't move! and the reloading time is not short tbh, and they're faster than me and they even 1 hit me. I don't die immediately, but still pretty annoying.)

Other improvements:

- Menu improvement. (When I pause the game then there is no option to change the settings, which makes longer to customize it. After pause the game there should be an option to go to the Main Menu instead of leaving from the whole game.)

Need to be fixed:
(idk if they work correctly or not, but I experience them)

- Pantie (bug): After undressing my panties will rip apart instead of get in my inventory.

(1 edit)

Turn power on, and then walk to the path which you used to avoid the wolf, it's right next to the generator, then go in both room and I guess the first room which is closer to the wolf will contain the bird statue.

Thanks for the asnwer!

Thanks for the answer, sure I'll wait until you finnish it, really good job!! Great work! what's the next update you'll add to the game? I want to try it out already! Keep it up!<3

Hi! I love the game, I'll buy it when it comes available on steam, I forget where to send respond so I'll write it here, and soon, when I manage to get back on my computer I'll write the same to the right place!

First thing first:


The Werebears which spawn next to the cliff don't drop any loot and just look into the dirt when they dies.

Which I noticed:

The blue flowers on the ground somtimes change their color from blue to yellow.

I tried to make the Potion which gives you extra defeat points, but I couldn't find any yellow flower. (Why I can't find it? Are the yellow flowers are added in the game as obtainable item or just the texture got?(I saw the texture when I wanted to make a potion, but I couldn't find any.))

Questions about the future updates and the game:

I saw 3 other kind of flower: 1 white and 2 purple, but one was looks like the other flowers, the other one was long and had only 1 big petal on it's top.

Are they going to be other obtainable flowers to make potions or just design?

When will the game be available on steam?(If don't know then just say a "you think" possible date)

That's all! Thanks for making this game, thanks for working on this game! I love this game! I really hope those updates and fixes will be out soon, if you keep working hard like always, then guys you can make this game even better, btw it's already really good and thanks for everything! Just keep it up, you guys doing great! ;)


I really want to play the full game already lol! <3