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The Drip Master

A member registered Apr 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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I don't know how to fix your problem but I do now how to avoid it in the future. when you go to create a new game like when you make a title and upload the files and all. if you scroll down a bit you should see pricing. you can set it to No payments. 

Here is a screen shot of what happens when I click run game. as you can see it just stays the same image or if there is no image the same background color.

ok so i'm having an issue, for every browser game I have tried it never loads. just a blank screen. I'm using chrome OS and it worked like a month ago so I'm not sure what happened. I checked other articles but didn't find anything. How do I fix it?

this is the og version lol

so if you pressed the switch just press the red button again and reset

you should add a shop at spawn and some form of currency you get from beating monsters

If anyone has questions i finished it. im willing to help! and to anyone reading this have a amazing day :)

nvm got it lol im dumb

anyone know the number?

do get destroy all humanz ending you need to use the top two buttons on don't do it panel the code is as follows: left, right, left, right , right, left. 




i type to fast ;-;