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Paolo Fassin

A member registered Jun 13, 2017 · View creator page →

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I don't live in USA anyway nor in UK: Have a little mercy. Here, among ordinary people, it is rare to find people who understand Italian, let alone English. Yes there are American tourists, I had a friend of American nationality, I was trying to learn the pronunciation. He participated and won a singing competition in the Piedmont region a few years ago; My wife and I also participated, but he won first prize with an unpublished rap lyric in Italian. What do I do ? Do I move to San Francisco and open a restaurant?

My web site and some of may game are acqually subjected to a periodical revision. Due to my hospital recovery of 3 month for an accident I've temoporary suspended this revision.

In case of "accessibility: blind-friendly" I wrong, but in the future is likely that I implement this features.

Anyway with two friend, one not blindy, this feature is partially avalaible.

(1 edit)

There are translation errors.

"you accidentally received an email from Itch" does not mean the same as "you accidentally received an email from Itch" in the context in which I used it.

Yes, I was wrong. Excuse me.

The possibility in question was the possibility of my guessing. Not the possibility of you receiving the email, and certainly not the implication of receiving the email in error.

To be honest, I don't know how much Google is involved in the use of itch, but I would find it surprising if developers were contacted directly by Google about their itch activity. However, Itch uses some data from Google Analytics.

Look, you're very smart, congratulations. I think you got it right.

While this might be too technical or complicated, anyone can try to verify if an email is not authentic by checking the email header. Read the heading from bottom to top and read the first "from". There are written IP addresses. The first non-local IP address should be the sender. And then you look up who owns that IP address. It is sometimes possible to spot obvious scammers this way, especially from large Internet companies. Someone claiming to be such a large company would not send from an IP belonging to small servers in distant countries or IP addresses used by private home networks. In theory, those IP addresses could be spoofed, but I've never seen a scam/spam like this. It's difficult to spoof IP addresses, and most people don't know how to verify them anyway, so they simply spoof the sender and content of the mail. Usually invoking some urgency and asking the recipient to click on links in the email.

I think it's just like you said. I don't know much about telematics. I'll send you a screenshot of the message.

If there was no link in the email to click on, it probably wasn't a scam. But perhaps there was a misunderstanding about the topic of this email.

Yes, the connection was there.

Thank you so much.

P.S. What should I do ?

..and what exactly does this have to do with Prurito??
If you do business with Google, such as selling on the Play Store, they may send you things like this. Otherwise, it looks like a phishing attack.

I understand. I don't sell on Play Store but I would like to sell on STEAM. I didn't read Google's message carefully, it seems authentic to me, but I have locked hacker attacks on my accounts in the past; Some time ago I had a computer stolen. Now the situation seems to be under control. I reported it to the police, but I don't know if they caught the thief.

Then I changed phone, changed number, but the email remained the same. I changed my password and activated 2-step verification.

Also, to be technical, you didn't get it on your smartphone. You received it on your email account. If you received it "on your smartphone", I would be very skeptical.

You're right, it's called email account. I was wrong.

Or, still translation issues, you accidentally received an email from Itch to your email address, which just happens to be a Gmail address. If so, don't confuse the sender of the email with the ISP you use for email.

Thank you. I'll check. Good evening.

dearest redonihunter you have been exhaustive and I thank you. I have also activated Google Analytics and Google Analytics 4; I wouldn't want to have done something wrong in the configuration; I will calmly deal with this too. Good work.

I didn't receive any captcha, but only an email message from Google on my smartphone. It was a generic message about the security of websites in general, precisely to avoid the existence of accounts with malware or those dealing with computer privacy. They don't accuse me, but they also gave mandatory guidelines for VAT, the purpose and characteristics of what you would like to sell.

And I intend to follow them, even if I'm a little late.

I get it, I misinterpreted a google email, but rest assured, I think you might be a moderator; I too am against any theft of information and I never thought that you were involved in the Google message.

They only gave information on the safety and reliability of websites on the Internet, warning that they will close down counterfeit ones. They also want sites to be transparent and understandable.

In reference to my account I am proceeding with this thing.

But is ultra-secure, in my opinion.

(1 edit)

Dear redonihunter, I was a little harsh on you, I'm sorry. I have few sales and I don't understand how I can make money with my software.

Every time I edit a page on my site, I do so because I have added new features, such as new game levels, options menus, eliminated bugs, added screen-shots and improved the understanding of what I am selling.

I am currently almost 2 months behind on the application of Google regulations for sites (expired on December 10, 2023).

Good day.

I understand you've only been on for 56 days. It doesn't seem to me that you have produced any concrete results other than posts, which in my opinion are useless, mistaking for a social network.

Paolo Fassin (

hahaha learn italian language up to 5.0 level: you should see much more english films on old dvd storsge with this option enabled.

Paolo Fassin (

(1 edit)

"It seems to me that you are suspicious of me and my affairs" (I leave aside that you believe I don't know the English language and that I use only sophisticated translators, because it's not true, but I don't want to get nervous; if only I told you exactly how I make a post on the you wouldn't believe me; I take a break and I want to reiterate that: I only use Google Translator as a translator, to obtain checks on the bijection between the text I wrote first in Italian and then in English, in such a way that, given the not excellent quality of this translator, with a final automatic check of my text, I allow at least the read of a unique information content, in the way most clearest and correct, for English, American and Italian people, by clicking on 'translate' of Google Chrome):

Do you misinterpret my frequent updates to my site as illicit activity? I think that if you have yhe possibility to prove it with reliable evidence of my guilt, adding them to this public post and not close it.

"I honestly don't even understand why you can follow accounts where this feature is disabled.":

and I don't understand if you mean that I illegally access other users' accounts or I don't understand which disabled function you have done reference.

"I didn't understand the meaning of an alternative social network that you referred to":

I'm glad you answered me, but you asked me very challenging questions that took me about 2 hours of my time to answer. No offense, but I have a lot of other things to do. Now I'm tired, and I'm going to sleep.

Let's hope the last "prophecy" of the great Bill Gates does not come true and that they do not remove from commerce, in addition to compiled programming languages, also all ultra-commercial languages such as Java and Javascript, introducing artificial intelligences everywhere without controls with hands with a microphone, a speaker and and a radiotelephone cable for transmissions, because it could be very dangerous and would make any device only capable of acting as an android. Is this just a sarcastic joke from me? Maybe yes and I don't even understand the newspaper articles in Italy very well.

Paolo Fassin (

Maybe I misunderstood what you wrote to me when you mentioned "data theft", because I didn't understand what you really wanted to tell me. It seems to me that you are suspicious of me and my business. I am a serious developer, who started programming from 1987 until today, I studied a lot, I am self-taught, and when I said "to publish some software" I should have specified "to publish some software conceived, designed and created solely by me" like all the software that I put up for sale legally and exclusively on (even if I made an attempt on Game Jolt which didn't satisfy me and I requested and obtained the removal of all my data from that account).

I didn't understand what you actually wanted to tell me when you wrote to me "I honestly don't even understand why you can follow accounts that have this feature disabled."

I am a regularly registered user on

I am not nor will I ever be an "influencer" or any other person who advertises other people's software, nor am I interested in software made by others. If I need a software tool, I am able to conceive, design and create it starting from the lowest level (Assembly programming of peripherals) so that it conforms to my needs as much as possible. It may happen that, if it turns out particularly well, I decide to sell it on

Many video games I have created I developed first for 16 Bit platforms (MS-Dos, Windows XP) and subsequently redeveloped them for 32 Bit platforms (Windows 10 and Windows 11).

What regrets me is that there are very few people I know who believe that I am capable of doing all of this on my own. On the other hand, I think it is understandable (I have never boasted of my intelligence). To be credible nowadays you have to invest mountains of dollars: registration of the work, copyright, VAT number, advertising and have a spectacular image of yourself in the eyes of the Internet. Mine are mainly economic problems. But also about how badly my state, Italy, is, unfortunately I have to admit.

You didn't offend me and I'm glad you honestly made your opinions clear. Good evening.

Paolo Fassin (

Yes, what you wrote to me completely satisfied me and is very useful to me. Thank you.

Paolo Fassin (

(1 edit)

Dear moderator Mr. No Time To Play, thanks to you, I understood where I made a mistake by replying to Mr. Qadri Studio and Mr. MRNO ONE (in Questions & Support, My Games not showing up): that is not allowed to insert links between two posts by two different people as an answer to a question, for example in Questions & Support, because this is automatically considered spam and is blocked. I'm very sorry, especially for Mr. Qadri Studio, but thanks to you I will never make this serious mistake again. I hope somehow that, for example, by removing my answer, his post doesn't remains stuck. Furthermore, if the questions I asked here are legitimate, I would like to get some advice from you.

Thank you so much and have a good evening.

Paolo Fassin (

How to set up in the best way Title, Project URL, Short description or tagline, Tags, Custom noun ?

I would like to point out that I have recently been dedicating myself to applying the new regulations relating to clarity, simplicity and transparency of the descriptions of the my apps that they are published here, detailed explanation of the apps and warranty, prevention of malware and viruses and prevention of compromise of websites by unsafe software created deliberately to cause damage or unwanted; theese regulations are been imposed by Google, through an email that reached me as well as other owners of a web space dedicated to the online sale of software.

This regulation will come into force on 10 December 2023 and all sites found to be unsuitable will be closed with a few days' notice.

I believe this is also linked to the activities of Google Analytics 4, which should make your site more visible on the web, guaranteeing a greater number of visits.

It's precisely the poor visibility of my apps on the web that gives me some doubts about how I've set up some fields in my dashboard apps and for this reason I ask you for some answers or advice on how to improve these settings

First of all, what should the title of the app contain?

Just the name of the application, which can be composed of several words separated by spaces or even other symbols, such as brackets and punctuation marks? Can it contain other information related to the app, such as bit number and/or version?

Here is an example of mine:

Title: 1st version of "Bacci & the ducklings" (16 Bit).

Should Project URL reflect the app title?

Can it be changed after I have updated the title or modified the project?

Regarding the previous example (original URL):

Project URL: the-first-16-bit-video-game-born-from-me-years-ago

Regarding the previous example (original URL):

Short description or tagline: bacci-and-the-ducklings-v10

As regards tags, I must necessarily use the tags specified in the drop-down menu or can I, for example, include my project name and more?

Regarding the previous example:

Tags: 16-bit, FPS, High Score, Music, parallax, Pixel Art, Shoot 'Em Up, Side Scroller, Sound effects

Finally, how should I use, what is it for and what is the purpose of Custom noun?

Regarding the previous example:

Custom noun: Bacci 16 Bit

If anyone had the time and courtesy to answer these questions I would be very grateful; I know that perhaps this information could be present in the guide, but a direct confirmation from a user or a moderator could be the most effective way for me to be sure I understand, given that I am Italian and do not have in-depth knowledge of the language English (USA).

Thank you for your attention.

Paolo Fassin (

Thank you very much for the instructions you gave me. You will again be a user that I will follow carefully, I had forgotten that you had already helped me

Why ?

Dear moderator Mr. No Time To Play, I created this new link to my new website 

You should evaluate it and move it to the correct section if you can. A thousand thanks.

Dear moderator Mr. No Time To Play,

in what session of ITCH.IO I could move my topic ?

It is not a self promotion of  a my idea.

It is the my new website under construction. Is100%  protected.

It speak of Science fiction and new future technology.

Furthermore I don't know if is it possible to link ITCH.IO to another secure website, and I rewrote my article at all; since it is written in Italian language, translation in English language is fully permitted by me and Chrome Browser. I'm sorry.

My link to my website was has a mistake that I've corrected today.

You don't permit to me to make my monetary contribution to

Why  I don't sell more of  my authentic, original and unreleased software ?

Paolo Fassin (

Fun and cute game. Congratulations to you !

Fantasia e scienza

Let you Link to my "Alter vista" web page to read the new article in Italian language.

Paolo Fassin (

(1 edit)

I just wanted to thank you for the help you gave me in understanding how to solve my problem, thank you. I am honest and sincere. I would had to say to you: thanks to you for help you've me given (happens to me to be too direct and i' am some time a person incomprehensible to others).

Look, you misunderstood. I do not pass my information on to others. I'm not a hacker. I am against all information theft. Even in Italy it is illegal. Relax. I was tired and couldn't explain myself well.

I'm happy because you gave me a lot of important information and you're great! I was able to understand them, quickly and will definitely use them. In fact, I save them in a text file as a reminder on my laptop. I'll also add you to the people I follow.

Thank you very much. I'm going to add your profile as people that i follow. You gave me an important suggestion.

Let me start by saying that I am sorry for not having read the extensive rules in full, I am sorry for having published articles not relevant to the topic proposed in its forum and I am sorry for having made a mistake in publicizing my ideas in three previous posts which have been archived. In order not to make this kind of mistake again, I would like to know first if I can publish something here, but I have difficulty fully understanding the rules of, because I was born and live in Italy, and this implies that don't know the American legislature; However, I would like to ask a question, aimed mainly at the moderators, but also at anyone who wants to answer me (it is not possible that I can have direct contact with users and/or moderators).

Is it possible to publish unpublished software made by me on, even if not necessarily in the field of games, pixel art and tools?

That is, can I publish any software, for example my new, incomplete project for managing a company's accounting?

If not, to get a domain similar to that of in the same state (California) and which allows me this, what should I do?

The only time I managed to find something similar I had more efficient tools, but it happened 5 years ago and it was a very long search in which I chose

Anyone who wants to help me is welcome and I am very grateful.

Paolo Fassin (

Thanks, but I don't know why this happens. In the city where I live, Turin, there is a person, an Italian of Italian nationality, like me, registered, like me, on LinkedIn who, perhaps, has falsified his name, in order to be able to claim to be me; his name is Paolo Fassino.

My surname is of French Belgian origin and is very rare; according to extensive research I've done, at the registry office and on US search engines, there are about 10 people in the whole world who are truly named Fassin and are not my relatives, but descend from the same family tree. Fassino is a common Italian surname and Paolo Fassino could be a hacker. Does he call himself that and/or is he really called that? However, even on ITCH.IO, my last name is often not recognized, underlined in red. If I search from the app and write Paolo Fassin (search by author) I only find the first version of Bacci e gli anatroccoli (16 Bit). Only if I write does Fassin find all my published products. What do you think ?

You can verify my identity through the registry office of Genoa, the city where I was born, confirming that I exist, my name is Paolo Fassin and I have lived in Turin for about 12 years and is my profile authentic and it was registered by me ?

Thank you.

Paolo Fassin (


My name is Paolo Fassin I was born in Italy and so it is written on ITCH.IO; however, if the Italian language is set on the browser from which you access my web space on ITCH.IO, my surname is translated into Fassino; therefore it turns out that everything I published on ITCH.IO was done by Paolo Fassino and not by me.

It's a very serious problem.

I don't know what it depends on. Could anyone help me?

Paolo Fassin (

(12 edits)

Fantasia e scienza

Paolo Fassin (

School management, photo gallery and carousel:

In this project you can find 3 examples of dynamic web pages written in JavaScript, HTML and CSS, with definition of object's class and DOM management.

For more informations see at the link below ( browser):

Paolo Fassin (

What you said is very interesting. I can verify my software, which after being examined by the Microsoft analysis laboratory (about 4 hours), if it does not have any problems (viruses, malware, etc.), will be included in an international list of exceptions, resulting reliable for all Windows systems, which will no longer display any warning popups. I copied the link to the bookmarks bar of my internet browser. Thank you for your suggestion.

(1 edit)

Thanks anyway respectable No Time To Play. I'm sorry, I didn't understand what you were about to do. Good morning.

(8 edits)

Windows warnings and security of my software

Unfortunately for all users who have not trusted to install my software on their PC, due to Windows 10 and Windows 11 messages such as "this software is dangerous", "unknown author" or "the file is suspicious, analysis antivirus in progress", I have to admit that, if I weren't aware of the mechanisms behind these exaggerated warnings from operative systems manufacturers, I too would have done the same thing; but maybe I would have complained.

"This software is dangerous": exaggerated message that considers any executable file or archive that contains some of they and come from Internet, as a dangerous file that should not be installed.

"unknown author": message that simply warns that the international registration of (c) CopyRight has not been made and that the software does not come from a recognized software house. Registering a software involves filing it with the O.L.A.F. of the S.I.A.E. (150 €) and various bureaucratic procedures costing around 300 € (total cost of 450 € to protect a single product).

"allow running app to make changes to your computer?": it is a generic message which simply indicates that an executable file of the "setup" type has been opened.

"The file is suspicious. Antivirus analysis. The file has been sent to the analysis department, please wait... The file seems safe": Some antiviruses, given the somewhat unusual structure of my games (screen-saver style), they realize that they don't seem to have any interaction with the user, since they don't use predefined methods of peripherals accessing, and they note that the behavior is similar to that of some computer viruses running in the background. In any case, I am not a hacker nor have I ever thought of causing damage, nor stealing information or stealing money, nor decoding or deprotecting other people's programs nor developing harmful software, much less viruses, I have dealt with security digital; any virus check will do a negative response.

Given everything I've written so far: don't worry if you get warnings or notifications once you've just opened one of my game or tool installers!

My software does not contain ads, there are no pop-ups of any kind, there is no need to pay to win, it does not connect to the internet in any way, and it does not install any DLLs (dynamic linked libraries); these notifications or warnings could be displayed, not for all versions of Windows and the antivirus programs installed, only in the installation through the setup program, at the beginning, as soon as the latter has been launched. They do not affect .ZIP archives.

The installers were developed with the latest version of Inno Setup Compiler; the software was developed with Delphi and has been thoroughly tested by me and many other users. Thank you for listening.

All my 5 videogames (Five Games) link to web page of game download

Program Files and Program Files (x86) folders disclaims

Under Windows 10 or Windows 11 don't install this software in "Program Files" nor" Program Files (x86)" because if you don't run this software, after setup process, with AdMin privilege you can't save the configuration files nor the file of the table of the best players score nor the play recording file. The suggestion is to select as target folder, during setup process, a sub folder of the root folder of your hard disk/SD.

Connect4 (F4_32) link to web page of game download

I originally posted this article in the section: "itch app Development". I received 126 visits and got some replies, which I report here; welcome if someone has something to tell me.

Paolo Fassin (


No Time To Play

Okay, but what does that have to do with the Itch app? Getting games through the app should suppress this sort of warning.

Paolo Fassin ( 1 day ago

Yes, getting my app from would check the software. During my upload process of it. I believe that do that you said. But the check procedure includes antivirus scan and operative system compatibility only. I know that my software is safe. I live in Italy and the Windows 10 operative system that I bought here may be different from other version of it in other states. The warnings may appear after download and before setup running of my app, depending from Windows 10 version, configuration of it and antivirus software installed, such as Microsoft Defender or Avast Antivirus.

hechelion 1 day ago (1 edit) (+1)

Hi Paolo.

What @No Time To Play means is that this subforum is only for issues related to the application of itch. Not with the games.

What you are commenting on is a general issue that affects us all, you should have put it in the general forum or you could put it on each of the pages of your games, that way, the message you want to give will reach your audience. .

IPaolo Fassin ( is highly unlikely that any of your players will enter this subforum to read or seek support for a question of the type that you expose.

EDIT: PD:Writing the title in all caps is not considered polite.

Paolo Fassin ( 14 hours ago

I've understood that you said. I've confused the chat where to put my support. Why is this unlikely for users of my apps  ? Anyway i will move this blog in the right place as you suggest me. Thank you.

Fighters Day 13 hours ago (+1)

This thread is irrelevant and this topic should be closed immediately. I'm not in charge here but that's just my two cents.

Paolo Fassin ( 9 hours ago

Ok. I've lowercased the title. Is there a simply merhod to move this topic, whith al answers of the readers, into general discussion ? I just left my office, in the afternoon I do that. Thank you anyway.

I always try to prioritize jobs that I haven't completed, thus having less time to create new things. Now I am dedicating myself to expanding the number of levels of some of my video games, such as "BounceB & new adventures Revenge". Then I would like to complete the project started with "The death of our best dog. Our best memories". Finally, I would like to dedicate myself to the "ANIM32 a graphic editor of images and movies" project, of which only a demo is available in the 32/64 Bit version.

Hi Phil, my name is Paolo Fassin; I was also a member of Game Jolt, but I left there because I had very few visits and I found Game Jolt very cumbersome and impractical, compared to ITCH.IO, my favorite.

I'm not as productive as you are and I'm currently a little short of ideas for new video games, so you who are full of them could help me. Also, like you, I don't have many friends and I enjoy writing; But sometimes, when I'm in a bad mood, I can't respond as humanly as I might in other circumstances.

This falls on my image.

to me, sometimes it happens to be verbose in the dialogue and to give negative interpretations to what the other writes.

We should always be concise and think positively.

Then I happen to publish demos like "The death of our best dog. Our best memories" for which I was laughed at; in reality it was only my partner's desire to remember her beloved little dog who was hit by a car. I had made this program to her so as not to make her sad. Then I wanted to share these thoughts with others.

However ITCH.IO can only be a small satisfaction for your creations, certainly not a source of income, unless you publish your products on STEAM, but they must be winning products.

I would like to redo all the graphics of some of my video games,

with the help of an expert and add many more levels, in order to make them more attractive.

I have never signed up to STEAM because the VAT number is mandatory and I have closed it for some time due to the excessive taxes that exist in Italy.

Thanks IFCATS. There are some people who have played this game with me and found it amusing ... However, in my opinion, I could make some additions, such as, for example, making sure that after TOT seconds each vermoid is shortened, to simulate the waste of energy: when you have reached the minimum size, you have lost; by eating you extend your "life" beyond your length. Obviously, since the food tools are placed randomly, there would be games where it is easier to finish the level, while others where it is more difficult. What do you think about it ?

In any case, thank you dear IFCATS: I followed your advices, lowering the price and inserting more screenshots.

Now the 32/64 Bit version for Windows 10 and Windows 11 is also available! The conversion was completed successfully.

Beta-testing was successfully carried out on 4 machines: 3 laptops and a desktop computer with Windows XP, Windows 10 and Windows 11 operating systems.

Vermoidi innamorati 2.0

Paolo Fassin
