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A member registered 87 days ago

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I dunno if this is already on your mind for stuff to do in the future but there are at least two things that could be improved.
- The day to day flow of assigning a girl to a customer and a room is too long. From my experience it seems that I need to individually assign a girl to a customer, then pick a room for them, go back to the previous menu, choose a girl for another customer and then pick a room again. Ideally we should be able to assign all girls to a customer and once that is done move to the next menu and assign all couples to their intended rooms.

- The "preparation" phase would make more sense as a "closing the business" phase. After all, you don't wanna leave the rooms full of fluids to rot overnight, have the staff cleaning before closing the brothel.

- I think that the whole tonics mechanic-stamina mechanic could have a rework. Have the girls recover stamina more naturally through other mechanics and have the use of tonics and other drugs have various negative consequences if overused. Maybe even add a "junky" trait for the girl if she is addicted to drugs with special interactions attached to it.