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Noel Albinson

A member registered Jul 04, 2017 · View creator page →

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My favourite part of this game is how the challenging gameplay forces you to develop new strategies. I found that the ":" characters could be used as cover and learned how to block and avoid bullets. Improvements i would like see are enemies with lower health and an automatic weapon. My hand got sore from all of the clicking!

Thank you for the input! It's sad that i didn't have the time to really flesh out all of the mechanics. I probably should have spent more time on coding!

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Thank you for the feedback! I should definitely have spent more time on the trading system. And all the other systems for that matter ;)

I'll be sure to check out your entry for the game jam!

Excellent tutorial! You're a saviour for me when it comes to c++ game development!

Great graphics and sound! The game looks nice and feels polished, however, the perspective of the player makes it kind of hard know how far you are leaning. It would also be neat if you needed to jump over obstacles. All in all, a very nice looking game, but falls a bit short on gameplay.

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Thank you!

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Interesting concept, right now there is no "challenge"  to the game, just find the items, it would be better with some enemies that kill you if you get close! Fun level, it feels like you're in a computer when you float around sharp turns with a nice complex maze layout! When i played, my last item was not the big one, but a small one, would be cool there with like a laser grid that turn of when you have collected all items but the big one. Nice small game!

Really fun and challenging game! I would like it to show in-game what button you shoot with, and maybe make it so that you can scroll through the colours with the scrollwheel, or is it just me that has a hard time to remeber the buttons and colours! :) Anyway, the gameplay is simple but it really just makes the game easier to pick up and play!

I love the sound effects, it really makes everything feel better! Fun and easy to pick up! Deserves a sequel!

Yeah in the beginning it was a tower defense kind of game, but when i got some walls and turrets to place down the placement was clunky, and the game not fun. when i tried out letting the player have a gun and shoot the enemies it instantly became more fun, but as you said, back and forth repairing walls and shooting enemies gets boring. Thank you for even playing the game!