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A member registered Oct 25, 2017 · View creator page →

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I like it 

good job

ok so I've ask a lot from you I know. can I have permission to upload videos of gameplay and weapon reviews. or just gameplay?

good job with the flamethrower. can I post videos on youtube of gameplay and give them names and when I die the video ends or I just keep playing for the fun of it cause I wouldn't wanna stop playing this game. but I thought since its your game I should ask for your permission instead of just posting without permission or owner ship.

thank you, your doing great with the game.

can you make it to where you can customize the character you are? 

in other word like you choose the uniform (each team has a different one) 

choose your weapon (primary and melee side arm is all ways a hand gun

and an online choice and also a button for surrender?

if not ok and I understand, because I love the game as it is cause its fun but I wish the enemy did see me instantly when I'm hiding in tall grass as a sniper... but still its fun as hell and I can tell you put a lot of work in this and I love what it has become. keep up the good work.