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A member registered Jun 17, 2022

Recent community posts

hey, can i ask that where can you get protein shake in chapter 9. I am stuck with the get closer to Theo thing ;-;

thanks :>>

hey, where did you find it ;-;

hey, can anyone kinda draw out the way to solve the maze puzzle in chapter 6, in the room that has Ed, i just cant find the way

it's in the side stories. i also got confused the first time :))

oh ;-;

hey, how to play the game ;-; i open up the game and can only see tail hipping and nothing happends and whenever i hit the button wASD it just move the camera. How to play exactly ;-;

idk, i am not part of the dev :(  but i think that the main line story is finished and the dev probably are going for the side stories


hey do you have a guide for all the scence ;-; i am kinda desperate

so i've finished the game and the side story and i have to say this game is amazing and your art is ... interesting and here are a few things i hope you would add in future updates:
-the cinema scene (which i know doesnt make a lot of sense since there is no light and it's a very short scene but i just hope)
-the countless lover but for siggy (because him and devin both took different route so i hope i could see what happened with siggy like did he got f*cked by the monster or did he find devin and decided not to be a bot this time :))
-a scence for the dream thingy ending when the monster is born (just curious)
and finally, i hope you expand the demon hunter ending bc that sounds interesting

hey, so i am now at the part where you can choose to go where and buy what and ... what do i do now ?-?

Oh ok, thanks. Also, if you have chance, time and probably money bpz actually do the auto voice like real people bc i was hoping :))

hey, how can i get the scence "sex on beach" and stud in gallery ;-;

hey i'm done with the golem task now but i dont know what to do next

thanx for the tip :>

i just started playing and i just asking how to do the rolling task ? (the lothar's rock task)

welp, i just play a game for a day and i'm hooked. This is a great NSFW game and i hope the dev will add more to the game (even tho i'm like at the start of the game) and ust asking  ... is there like animation or scence or there just like nude-ish scence