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A member registered May 09, 2022 · View creator page →

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Heyoooo, still here !

Keep working hard ;)

Cool! (●'◡'●)

--- Don't forget ---

1. To work at your pace  

2. Never stress

3. We, as your amazing followers, will wait, no matter the time it takes for your update ! 

Take the time you need, we'll be always here waiting for you ^_^

Take care of yourself (✿◡‿◡)

Hey soo... how's everything going?

still here tho ! 

Still here! ;)

Hey there!

Checking again if everythings going well!

I hope you're doing fine!

P.S : Still looking foward to the update ;)

Sameee, i've been coming here to check once in a while (every day) lol

We absolutely understand and I'm sure the endings will turn out amazing! 

Continue with the great job, have a good day/night !


I'm so happy you're working on it, continue the efforts, your game is s.u.p.e.r amazing... One question tho: Lionbright_zz route will take place ?

Thanks for evrtng, stay safe! (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

(1 edit)
Honestly, I have no words...

Thanks so much for making such a great game (even tho it's not completed Y.E.T). I love the way you drew your characters, the game aesthetic, the way the story evolves... litterally everything in your game is amazing, like... YOU must be A.M.A.Z.I.N.G or something 'cause I just can't seem to find words to describe this weird feeling I get when I play your game over and over again...(;´д`)ゞ        

Oh, and by the way... I'll keep checking on here! 

A .h.u.g.e. thank you from NN (me


You're welcome! . (❁´◡`❁)

Is there a french version?

I don't have words to describe this game....


c'est ta opinion, tu peux la garder pour toi  o_o