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A member registered Apr 08, 2018

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Unfamiliar is a visual novel/click-through game that attempts to portray the affects of dementia on a family.

Tackling such a serious theme was a new and challenging experience for our entire team. While we had fun working together on this project, we tried to always keep in mind the solemn nature of the game.

We hope we were able to present these topics in a way that can shed some light on the seriousness of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.

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All feedback is appreciated!

Hey everyone! This was our first time doing a jam as a full team, so we really wanted to give it our all! Give it a shot if you have some free time :D I won't post the full description here so as not to turn people off, but there is a great description by Cole below the on the game page! Give it a read. 

Flight Deck

Welcome to the world of commercial flying! Your goal in Flight Deck is to use cards to safely pilot a plane to your destination while keeping passengers happy and your plane intact. 

All content for Flight Deck, including game concept and design, source code, artwork, sound effects, and music, was developed by our team in just three days for ludum dare 41. No outside assets were used.