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A member registered Aug 12, 2022 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

here are some speculations considering whats already happened, as well as some predictions. SPOILERS, DO NOT READ IF UR NOT UP TO THE LATEST CHAPTER (chapter 8 part 3 *main characters name*)

The MC is framed by someone since he walked into Raynars body. This leads me to think that someone wants the MC dead. I thought that maybe the avalanche at the beginning of the story wasnt just an accident, but an attempt to kill the MC. The person who caused the avalanche may be the same person who killed Raynar. Im iffy on whether theres one person trying to end the MC or a bunch of people.

Looking at the suspects for who killed Raynar, it probably was someone who was around the same height as him (Bjorn) OR he was caught off guard by someone smaller than him (MC, kadaj). Kadaj is already mad sus to me since he keeps implying that he knows more than he lets on, but I dont think it was him. I think it was someone thats linked to him that may have killed Raynar. One scenario that seems plausible to me is after the ball, Raynar and Kadaj speak about something and Kadaj subtly threatens Raynar to agree to some deal, Raynar doesnt agree, he dies as a result of the disagreement. Kadaj did say earlier in the story that he didnt come to Lyre just for being a diplomat, he had other unknown reasons.

The more I think about who killed Raynar, the more I get confused ugh. The MC did say when he walked in on Raynars body that there wasnt much spraying and splattering of blood. If that is the case and the killer didnt get his cloths dirty, maybe it was Kadaj and he simply climbed out the window to escape stealthily (he is a cat after all).

For what I think is going to happen, I think the MC is going to get a vision that will give him tiny clues for Raynars killer. The first thing that came to mind was a vision of a person buying the same dagger that was used to kill Raynar; i dont think this is likely since the dagger was described as plain, any person could get it. Another idea was getting a vision of being in Raynars POV as he was getting killed. If this happens, the killers face would probably be obscured and hidden, maybe Raynar recognizes it as a familiar voice hes heard before but cant recall who it is since he dies.

One thing that was floating in my head as the story progressed was how the MC gets specific visions. His first vivid one was after he talked with Raynar about his wifes death and the next one was after he talked with Adrius in his cell in the dungeons; the vision with raynar being his experience of watching his wife die, and adrius' warm childhood memories with his mom. The way I think the visions are triggered relate to who the MC is near and their current thoughts and memories. Raynar was deep in grief and thought recounting his wifes death and Adrius had a brief remembrance of some of his childhood. I dont know if the power to see into the past can be controlled much but I think theres some way for the MC to increase his chances of seeing visions pertaining to a specific person that the MC wants to know more about.

Considering the 2 paragraphs above, with my thoughts on whats going to happen and the mechanics of the MCs power, I came up with another idea. If what i said earlier about the MCs power being triggered by the thoughts and memories of people close to him is true, I thought maybe the MC will get a vision of being the killer since the killer is likely someone in the castle the MC knows. Im certain the killer will be in the same room as the trial for the MC.

As for the visions of the MC being in his bed and getting some liquid shoved down his throat while being restrained, or the vision of him walking down the stairs and being followed by a person walking backwards menacingly, i think those are just bad dreams. or not, idk.

if anyone had similar thoughts to these, plz reply. its pretty fun thinking of what could happen.

edit1: thought about it more and it doesnt make sense for kadaj to kill raynar since he'd have to go past the two guards and then leave past the same two guards. maybe the killer is some character yet to be shown (still think its someone the mc met in the game)