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A member registered Sep 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hey! Super great game. It looks like your Discord link is broken though... Can't wait to see this come out on Steam!!

Hey! This was a really great story. I absolutely loved it. I noticed an issue during the 2nd "split up" section. I sent the 2 off by themselves again and when I finished investigating the makeup item, I went through the the sigil text again and then the "someone needs to make the tincture" text again. But then it caught back up to the third part.

I think the phone might still have a bug. I did the passcode, birthday, unlocked... then it skipped straight to the 2 coming back. I'm assuming I was supposed to actually see something on the phone?

The browser version doesn't seem to be loading for me! I'm on a M1 Mac using a Chrome browser. Let me know if you have any tips to get it to load :)

Any plans to make this accessible on macs? :) Love the rest of the collection though! It's been great to work with so far!