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Melsonian Arts Council

A member registered Apr 29, 2017 · View creator page →

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Recommended 2-7, but people have done more and also play it solo.

I agree!

Me too!

We don't have the rights to distribute it, unfortunately, but the guys who made it are very nice. If you ask them they may send it to you! Check them here:

Thanks! They've featured heavily in my current campaign and they've been good fun so far

The text is complete, minus the introductory adventure and some missing art and editing. All of which will be updated in a couple of weeks with any luck!

Thankyou! Much appreciated

Thanks! The file is the same on both sites. 

Hi Nozak, I believe that the password request comes up when you try to download the file. 

If your still having issues. best to email us directly to take a look at for you.

Hi Futuremc002,

Having taken a look I can see that what might help new players in the future is an example perhaps but in section 2.2 p32 Advanced Skills it does say that the "Advanced skill number given in the background plus the characters base skill yields the character's skill total."

Followed by section 2.2.1 which explains the use of skills to pass both roll under and roll versus for actions in the game.

Hi Futuremc002,

Having spoken with Christian he has said that it mostly works as Troika! does so:

Generally speaking anything that's easy or non critical to the game doesn't require a skills check it can just happen.

Anything that needs to be checked requires a player to roll under their skills (2.1.1 p32).

For example a player has a skill of 5 and an advanced skill of 3 in climbing.

They need to roll under or equal to an 8 on 2d6 to succeed the challenge

That's correct, most of the authors and artists we work with are freelance and bring us projects they would like us to help with. Most of which are for Troika! but not all.

Troika! is an entirely open licence game and can be used by anyone to create anything they like just by including a short piece of text we supply on the files for the main game, in the case of Longshot City it has taken a few more liberties in adapting the rules so we need to check in with him to ensure we're getting it right for you.

Hi Futuremc,  

Our apologies, we're only in and out sporadically to Kickstarter and don't see the messages there very often.

We did see the one below a couple of days ago and reached out the the Author for his answer but haven't got it yet.

Will be back to answer as soon as we have it

Physical Copies will be availble on our website as soon as we finish shipping the Kickstarter orders!

I would say no less than 3 sessions, and potentially a lot more unless your players are smart and lucky. 

It defaults to spread view, but there should be an option to change it to singles in your preffered dedicated PDF viewer.

Into it!

Thanks! I hope it gives you some happy hours at the table

The text has received a strong editing pass, we've rephrased some rule entries for clarity, and there is the formatting as you mention. They are effectively the same book still

My Chinese partner summed it up as "he can have the moustache or the beard but not both".  We're going to tidy him up before the next time it goes for reprinting though

Correct, it wasn't

It's back up! It was never intended to be seperate, I'm just bad at using Itch

DTRPG will also have the PDFs added soonish.

The old version is still up. It was briefly unavailible 'cos I pressed a wrong button. While I appreciate your enthusiasm, do chill my dudes.

Nope, it's still there! Anyone can download the old version if they fancy

Hi Mountainfoot, 
That's entirely fine please just refer people back to here for the original, give all due credit to Oli Palmer and the Melsonian Arts Council, etc. etc. we're far more interested in getting games into peoples hands than anything else but its nice for people to know where everything came from.

If you want more specific details feel free to email us on our info@melsonia account

Hi Sobasoba,

Unfortunately the answer to that question would be yes, as we don't own the Italian translated version in that way so we don't have access to give it out.

That's a 10/10 if I ever saw one!

Hi V1s1n,

That is exactly correct 

There are copies available in the UK from, however any shop that is sold out can contact us for more so please do pester them to place an order and save you some shipping.

It gives me the zesty visions I need to get up in the morning.

Hi StrayCouches,

We actually had a professional company create this ePub and distribute it through other ePub routes as well.

In time we'll have got to all our catalogue as well hopefully so keep an eye out for them

We were not explicit in this ruling but much like non-protective clothing taking up 0 slots so do other minor items that you may be wearing like a bag

Personally I've house ruled that the first backpack etc. is how you get your 12 slots and a second bag would take up one of the slots as it's tucked in, but as always agree what would work best for your group.

I hope this helps!

It should be fixed now

Oh, bugger. No worries I'll figure it out and fix the situation!

That was a case of the author changing their minds between the PDF and the print run and us not catching it. Woops!

Hi Red Beast,

A d66 works by rolling 2x 6 sided dice.
As such there's no linear list of numbers between 1 and 66 

i.e. I roll a 2 and a 5 this gives me a 25 which is the Fellowship of Knidos
I hope this helps

we're taking preorders over at our store right now