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A member registered Apr 23, 2021

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so confused

what are you supposed to do???

WhY sO mAnY cLiCkBaIt tItLeS

Oh my god the most clickbait thing I have ever heard jesus christ

favorite part he looks at you and doesnt see you. made in 2 hrs best game I ever played shoutout to the orphan who made this

This game looks like it was drawn by a toddler. 15/10 godly game best I ever played good job to the orphan who made this

Child. Taxes are money that we have to pay to the government

I effing died when he came in through the bottom of it. never had that fear as a kid but I do now

how do you play

I have spit on my face jesus christ stop screaming

(1 edit)

yes you do need to touch grass and speak to a human being