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Luke A. Fytch

A member registered Feb 01, 2017 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

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"It is with esteemed joy that I am able to express, in this primary treatise of this fascinating branch of theological experience, an overview of the internal and external workings of Daedra Worship. Due to the in-depth nature of this study that I pursued, I managed to gather a great quantity of qualitative and quantitative primary research to support the items of this treatise. In the Appendix, therefore, one will be able to find a description of the studies' aim, procedure, findings, and conclusion, in Chapters VIII & IX, and in the Appendices. Furthermore, I eternally extend my sincere "thank-yous" to every one of the Daedra Worshippers who have participated in providing the detailed and plentiful research that has been collated into this Magnus Opus. Thus, while the methodology of the questions in the questionnaire the participants used will be revealed, personal information about them will not be." - An Extract from the Preface of the First Edition, 2016


This thread is for the discussion of the Sermon - in terms of structure and content.

Post both feedback and constructive criticism.

This thread is for the discussion of the Sermon - in terms of structure and content.

Post both feedback and constructive criticism.

This thread is for the discussion of the First Edition of 'A Treatise' - in terms of structure and content.

Post both feedback and constructive criticism.