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Lucia Retamales

A member registered Sep 10, 2018 · View creator page →

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You are right, both the difficulty and the controls didn't do much of showing the main mechanic. We will improve upon this and make the gameplay more complex.

Thank you for the feedback! Hope you can stick with us and play the game again when we do!

Awww thank you! 😻 We really put a lot of us into this game.

We are going to continue and improve on it. And the first thing in the order is to optimize it! We heard some computers can't run the game properly and that super bad! We want everyone to be able to play it.

Hope you will be up to playing it again once those issues are fixed 😸.

Super thank you for the feedback.

We are glad you liked the art style! We will do our best to polish this game after the jam is completly finished! 

Hopefully in the future, the jump length will depend on how long you press it's respective key. That way the player has more control over the little fox's movement.

Thank you for the feedback!

Thank you! (*≧▽≦)

Glad you liked it! We will try our best to optimize it so everyone can play it on both on browser and on their computer without problem.

Thank you for the feedback!

(^▽^) ♥

Thank you!!! v(・∀・*) 

We worked really hard on it.

Thank you! ahhaha we are not professional game devs at all ahaha. We are keen on design tho. We are really happy you liked our game! ♥

Thank you for playing our game in your stream! It really brought a big smile to the whole team. 😺

Your live feedback of the game was also really helpful. We took note of some of the stuff you said and will work to fix them on a later build.

We never really had a chance to fully optimize the intro cutscene. And that's a bit of a shame because it had some really cute animations on it. 😿

If you are still interested in watching it, we added the video to the page of the game!

Again, super thank you! ♥

Thank you Laura! I'm glad you like it 💖

You are exactly right, we were really inspired by the dark plataformers Playdead do.

I also want to thank you for replaying the game to check out the possession mechanic. That was very nice 😺.

When the jam is over we will try a hand at extending the game and making the main mechanic be the real protagonist.

Thanks for the feedback!

I love the idea! And the fact that the keys are also in the screen is really helpfull!