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A member registered Oct 25, 2020

Recent community posts

I need u guys to have a feature we're u can report players cause i was imposter twice now and when they got voted out they said I was the other imposter, come on now this is ridiculous

So now everytime I finish a game the app closes and I haven't had imposter in the last week and I play this game alot why

Please make it to we're once u enter a game u can't leave this is ridiculous. I just one imposter in 3 seconds cause people leave and then lose crew when people leave it's getting annoying.

(1 edit)

Please do something about not being able to leave. Cause it's getting annoying when u can't even finish a game for 5 games in a row because there just leaving. You should have a 3 leave strike and should get banned for a day. Please I'm not even having any fun being imposter cause they leave and I win by forfeit. Please fix this I love this game too much