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A member registered Jan 01, 2021

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the first time i played this i was to scared because i saw the hand and the legs and when it did not  close in the last part and he slide in i screamed so much but luckly i had my bff with me 

bruh, im scared of this- it grew into 3 of them nd i almost got a full virus from it if  task manger was not to the rescue to shut off this, my computer would of never lived and wnot see the light of fAace again, and  like i said, no body wants viruses right? so pls...if u consider getting this, make sure they dont grow or anything because when ur doing qork or zoom its hard to get it off before that zoom or anything and u end up late and it happend a lot so ur teacher called ur mom, but anyway, i dont  really  think this is a good game ;-; but it was still cool to check out!

noice game