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A member registered Jan 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you, I needed some encouraging words (;▽;)

Speaking of aliens, I think I have one more question... What were their stances on legends and paranormal before they met Fate?

Woah! O.O Right now I'm in vocational school with IT profile, but I'm pretty much shit at it so I honestly admire that you're so hard working and get so much done in so little time. Good work as always! And yay my question got in! Thanks for humoring me- I, too, would want to punch an alien someday lol

Thank you for your hard work this week as well~ From the sneak peek it seems that Guntur is enjoying himself, huh? (˵¯͒⌄¯͒˵)

Well, questions for the boys: What was their dream job as kids? And question specifically for Guntur and Kahlil- Do you help Arya sometimes (even if he doesn't want to lol), given his condition? And if yes, then in what ways? Do you have to be sneaky about it?

As always- good work this week! Hope you're staying safe, since people in my country are starting to become unreasonable and are going out more :(. And as for Q&A- poor Arya lol