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A member registered Jun 26, 2018

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(1 edit)

Honestly, I think ditching the huge bulges is a good call. I wasn’t the biggest fan of them, but it didn’t really bother me too much. The sprites as a whole are looking nice, then again Ongaku always looks good in my opinion. I’m excited to see how chapter 1 ends.

Personally, I say go for it. Sure, broken saves are annoying, but we're not that far into the story (I think), so replaying it shouldn't be too bad. Besides, it sounds like it will help make development go quicker and more smoothly in the long run.   

I actually think I prefer the new sprites. They may be less detailed, but they look a lot cleaner. This makes it easier to create more variety for each character. In the end, I just want you to go with whatever is easier for you. I've seen too many artists burn themselves out trying to get as much done in a short amount of time. Go at whatever pace is best for you. That way you won't overwork yourself and we'll get a better product in the end.

Don't worry about how long it's taking. I'd rather you take your time and really put some thought and effort into each part, than you feel like you have to rush things. I'll gladly wait for as long as it takes, as long as you keep us updated.  

I think, if you feel stuck, it’s a great idea to work on something else. I can help to think about something else and you may even find inspiration for other things. 

Downloaded this because it looked interesting and I have to say I'm glad I did. The story had me interested from the start, but once the tarot came up I was hooked. Can't wait for the next update! I'm excited to see where the story goes from here.