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A member registered Oct 01, 2022

Recent community posts

hi there, I'm having issues with trying to capture the audio in OBS, I've read through the comments and I see that It's recommended that I use windows capture audio. I already use this program, no problem there, but they also say to capture the audio from vts pog helper. I don't know if other people have this issue or if its just me, but I can not for the life of me actually open the helper. When I first attempted to use it, it popped up the run window, but that's it. The program never actually opened for me. Is there something wrong that I did? Please help me, It is frustrating me so much.

oh I think this is what I meant, I guess I should've worded it better, my bad 馃槄, thank you.

Hello there Maruesu. I have a question about your plugin. I apologize if this sounds like a stupid question, but I was wondering......... does your plugin calibrate to only a physical console controller or can it be calibrated to keyboard and mouse as well?

ok thank you so much.

here's the thing, when i originally bought it, i didn't have an account then. I made one recently so i could ask the question. So I assuming I would have to buy it again just to have the updated version.

I have a question, do I need to buy this again if I'm just updating it, cause I don't see how it supposed to be updated?