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A member registered Aug 31, 2022

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I am down astronomically for this man. He has got me on my knees, screaming, crying, foaming at the mouth, and I just know that the second I hear his voice I'll simply phase out of existence. My brain cells cease to function the moment he appears on my screen. I can't fix him. I don't want to fix him. I wouldn't have questioned the discovery we made during the aisle scene, I'd never ask another question for the rest of my life if it meant I could continue to be his plaything. Take my money, Scopophobia. Enable my unquenchable thirst for hot psychos.

Y'all, I love all the characters, but Quest's teasing had mE FEELING THINGS OMG and I loved making NakedToaster all flustered and blushy

It was a great game. Amazing, even.

his bad end scared me so much, i thought he- and Cat would-and the server- I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO TERRIFIED IN MY LIFE T~T