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A member registered Jan 24, 2020

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so sad that this doesn't work on mac :( but I still love him lol

I've played through almost all the routes (currently halfway through Lien's)  and I love this game! It's so charming and sweet! But for some reason I'm having a bug where I can't finish Victoria's without getting the bad end? I got stuck on the left/right segment, and no matter what I always get the bad end, I even took a photo of the directions she gives you bc I knew I'd need it later, I followed it, refollowed it, and refollowed it again to make sure I didn't make a mistake and I still get the bad end, idk if I'm just doing it wrong though :(

I have a few critiques and suggestions too if you don't mind;

I really like the art style but some things about it seem off, the first thing off the top of my head is that their chests are too high up on the body, and the poses can seem awkward at times.

I have such a bias for Lyell, but I also really like Blake and a route for her would be so cool! 

There seems to be quite a few typos, and the sentence structure can be weird sometimes, like not grammatically incorrect but just unnatural

Obviously idk your budget but I think voice acting would be a really cool addition, not necessary though, just something cool.

anyway I really love your game and keep up the good work!! :))