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A member registered Sep 06, 2022

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It may be a shitpost but it's a very funny one

Can't wait for it

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Are you stupid or something? You ever think there's a reason that the dev doesn't want you to cheat? 

The patch really helped me with this game so I thank you very much for that. Overall it's a very fun game with rewarding achievements, nice drawings and animations. 

TTPP community · Created a new topic Massive Step-up

Your last game was very good but the potential that this game has in on another level

I can wait, your health should be your top priority

This would be worth buying but my computer could barely run the Demo so I'd recommend a change resolution setting for this game. The game is very good tho

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Mate you didn't let anyone down, making a game is hard and the fact that you even made one in the first place is admirable, you take your break and I don't care how long it will take. 

I've said it before and I'll say it again, No matter how long it takes, releasing a game you can be proud of is better than releasing a rushed and unfinished game

I'm sorry, 14? Damn this is going to be a big update

Probably won't join since I am one of those inactive people you mentioned, sorry for my inactivity

Mate don't worry about how long it's taking make something you'll be happy with

Take your time man

I'll be sure to check it out when it releases

I didn't mean it as a bad thing, the Itch page made it look really low effort but I was surprised by how good it looked, if this is what you do in a day I can't imagine what'd you do given enough time

Well that was... something

I feel bad fapping to this game, it's so cute and sweet

I downloaded it and it's fine

I got 2 of em I was just wondering if there is more

whats the code?

I am definitely going to get lost, the new place looks massive

I think I got all the scenes but I have no idea how to make sure, good game tho

(1 edit)

Great game but a map would be helpful, I can't tell you how many times I got lost

I really like this

How do you get the foxy one?

Probably not

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I mean there is an option to deactivate the animatronics in the custom nights 

Click on the donut a few times

Night 7 is the custom nights

It is free

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You have to beat all 6 nights, put 1987 into the custom nights, beat that night and then put 6969 into the custom night, you need to beat 4/20 mode and you need to get the Golden Freddy jump scare which is the same as the og game, incase you havn't already you also need to click on the donut on the table as well as get jump scared by all the characters, I don't know if this ads a percentage but you can repeatedly click on Freddy's boobs on the poster and you get a jump scare 

Did you get the Golden Freddy jumps scare that you find in game? 

Good luck

You need to beat 4/20 mode

Message me on discord and I'll give you a full tutorial of cheat engine DeletedUser#2158

What do you mean?

(2 edits)

If you want to cheat you can use cheat engine but I think beating it properly makes you feel better. My strategy for the characters is as follows, Chica and Bonnie are pretty straight forward but I recommend listening for their footsteps rather than checking the lights so you can save power, Freddy is on a timer so I'd recommend setting a timer to see how long she takes to kill you and then using that timer to know when she will get you, foxy is the biggest pain in the ass, you need to look at her for longer periods I'd recommend 5 seconds off cam and 4 seconds on, if she's not at her cove then don't check the camera, instead listen for her running footsteps and then close the door. If she knocks on your door 3 times then that's OK, more than that however and you may as well restart. 

You get a scene for 6 and a picture for 7