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A member registered Jul 05, 2016

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(1 edit)

It is very difficult to add multiplayer during development, the game's architecture needs to be thought for this purpose

What about a new map in a city ? And what do you think about destructible environment ?

Nice release guy !

Nice beta ! It's amazing !

please speak correctly, I understand what you mean but it's not easy.

You can reduce the number of bots in the menu ; bots demands a lot of CPU and RAM for a low config PC.

Pour changer d'arme ce sont les touches 1,2,3,4

Il n'y a pas de mot de passe ou de nom d'utilisateur à mettre, aucun compte n'est requis

I agree, moving even with the sprint is slow, terribly slow

Les touches 1,2,3,4 servent à changer d'armes.

moi aussi ;)

Hi !

Your game looks very great. I tried it and it's amazing ! Please continue it, add more content (guns, vehicles, maps, ...) ! If you feel it, you can add a multiplayer, it can be very enjoyable ! I hope you'll work on it.

I support you for your project !
