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A member registered Aug 30, 2016

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Neat concept fighting the gravity well but the controls feel kind of janky and unsatisfying. Also got stuck looking away from the sun and it wouldn't let me rotate back towards looking at it. Tab also doesn't feel like it does anything? (unless that's what you meant by mega broken).

Quite a cheesy game :P

Disappointed in the lack of cheese at the top of the moon mountain!

Got stuck at double-jump area of first level because I guess I ran out of energy and wasn't able to continue using space warping to continue?

Also it looks like you might be doing your click detection in FixedUpdate, which results in clicks often not being detected since they can be refreshed multiple times before another FixedUpdate happens, the higher someone's framerate is.

Overall nice concept though :)

(2 edits)

Really nice work, though I have a big gripe about the character controls. For some reason you're completely cancelling out his velocity whenever he touches the ground or hits a block with his head and it really puts a hamper on the enjoyment. Should just set friction on your character collider and let it come to a stop naturally, or lerp() down, to give it more of a Mario feel.

Also, I've found myself getting stuck in colliders, especially if you have 4+ blocks stacked and you go up close and start jumping, you can nudge yourself in until you die, very odd haha
