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A member registered Apr 06, 2019

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I'd like to offer a suggestion to people posting about crashes. It may help developers if you give more detailed information. Operating System version, memory, last known working version of software, and a brief description of the issue may help. For the developers, if any information will help please ask.

I think they mean they have to optimise the game engine. If that's the case, it might not be their first priority unless patrons are finding it to be a common problem. Unfortunately that kind of work is a serious pain in the butt and can't just be done in a weekend. Oh well. I'm not a patron myself so I can't really complain. Best thing for non-patrons to do is be patient and keep your fingers crossed.

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I also have this problem on android 4.4.4 Gets to Anduo logo, and crashes completely after about 10 seconds. I backed up/deleted saves and other data to see if that would help. Game recreates cache/UnityShaderCache/version file and files/.../ArchivedEvents folder with no files in case that info helps. Last working release was from 2 months+ ago, I think 0.7