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A member registered Nov 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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lol I wouldn't be surprised if Almond was Jeffrey Dahmer's (he is a cannibal btw for those who don't know) daughter/niece/cousin.

(1 edit)

I would honestly love to see that ending lol ;)

Oh, so kinda same problem!

Congrats to H2O Delirious! If you can, you should make a version for Mac, bc I only have a MacBook Air

I watched a YouTube play it and I really want to see the other 4 endings they didn't get (They got Hang On, DDosed, Martyr, and the illness one, I don't know the name of that one). I feel there should be a free version if you can make it.



Thanks! When I get a YouTube channel (which is soon) I'm going to subscribe!

You're very welcome! I'll be sure to check out your other games!

Finally got the true ending! It wasn't until watching Gizley's video I realized that the hide and seek ending wasn't the true ending. Also, my brother was terrified of the jumpscare, but other than that this was enjoyable for us. :)

Thanks, what I meant was that I got the true ending, but couldn't complete it, since I do take awhile with that kinda thing.

I failed to reach the true ending, but I'll tell you when I get it Materwelons! UwU



Guess now I can get back at a few Karens...

I love this game! I found it a bit funny after it knew my name and a few pictures from my desktop, and I started after watching Laurenzside play it!

Almond: *dies*

Me: Can I tell everyone the recipe now?

Also me: alright imma head out to get some food coloring

Yeah, just some randomness in my head.

Anyone else wondering what was behind him during the end? Feel free to leave a guess below.

It's awesome! I especially love the looks of the girl, I do art just as well!

That's what the hand feels lol

Maybe next time, I should ask another supervisor if I should run to the store to get it.

The refusal ending is like when I'm a yandere, and I'm too busy day dreaming that I accidentally stab my senpai Almond.

Let's do this!!!!

It's awesome! Also, I feel we could've just used food coloring this whole time.

I am very determined for the true ending! Just recently I got the good ending.