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A member registered May 08, 2021 · View creator page →

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This game is absolutely outstanding! I love the colors and the story is thrilling! the death room is adorable too! I am a creator that is just starting out so I have been looking for a platform that would allow me to make a simple game and that's when I found your game in my recommendations. Bitsy is nice and easy to use, your game is an amazing example of how the site can make your story come to life an I truly enjoy it :D

Okay so it was cute until I met one of the monsters... and they are racist monster? I can remember what they looked like all I know is what they said, I can replay and try to find them if needed, but their entire dialog was just them saying that immigrants are filthy and are taking over jobs, they are qualified, but then they proceeds to explain that its the jobs that nobody wants so its not that bad? I mean that is a summery of what they have said they even mention cat girls from china... why does this monster exist? and why are they so rude? I know its a game and all but I still think it should be addressed. Thank you for your time