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A member registered Sep 15, 2021

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This is an incredibly beautiful game, both in form as in content. 

My grandma passed away earlier this year. She fell and broke her leg at home; we rushed her to the hospital, where she stayed for the next two weeks or so, leg still broken, waiting for surgery. The family took turns to visit and stay overnight so she'd never be alone. Sadly, before a spot for surgery even opened, she contracted COVID-19 and passed away, alone, shortly after. We couldn't get a big service because of social distancing matters, although she'd have liked one, being a devoted catholic.

I sometimes think about the fact that she was all alone, in pain, probably aware her time on Earth was about to come to an end. This game made me realize that, at least, all memories of us were still fresh in her mind - the large, happy family she built. She remembered my cousin graduating, me getting into a good college, my mom giving birth, all her grandchildren laughing and running about in the living room, us decorating the Christmas tree at her house every year. She remembered the happy life she led, pushing through difficulties and poverty and succeding in raising four well-educated daughters, all indescribably grateful to her. She remembered her loving husband, with whom she is now reunited. 

What I remember is this: a day prior to her breaking her leg, we went to visit her. She met my partner for the first time. She skyped her sisters back in Portugal.  And when the time came for us to go home, I was the one who took her back to her bedroom and helped her lay down; she told me what an awful thing it was, to be old. I laughed, kissed her forehead, and said goodbye. The last thing I told her was that I loved her - which couldn't be more true, as she was, and is, one of the world's most important people to me - and the last thing I heard was that she loved me back. What a beautiful, blissful, heartwarming thing it is to be able to hold on to this memory, and many more.

Thank you immensely for making this. From the heart.