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A member registered Sep 23, 2016

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Hold-to-crouch and hold-to-sprint options would be appreciated QOL features since those two stateful modifiers have effect over the game's stealth system. Sprinting is currently a little cumbersome because it's not entirely clear for how long the PC has to stop moving in order to exit the sprint state. This can lead to the PC sprinting when it is not intended for them to do so.

Setting UseFixedFrameTime = false introduces a significant frame rate dependency in mouse sensitivity w.r.t. player character's view angle. The higher the frame rate goes, the less sensitive the mouse becomes. This has the effect of producing a wildly varying mouse sensitivity when frame rate is unbounded. Bounding the frame rate by enabling VSync will produce a stable mouse sensitivity for any nominal setting and refresh rate, but the same nominal setting will still produce different effective sensitivities across different refresh rates.

UseFixedFrameTime = true appears to be unaffected by this issue. In this case, nominal settings produce the same effective sensitivities across different frame rates. Frame rates lower than 60Hz were produced by VSyncing on a 30Hz display mode.