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G. Mara Killian

A member registered Mar 08, 2022 · View creator page →

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This was actually super cute. I'm writing something about longer cozy games and gave this a try so I might write about it for my personal blog.

Here it is now. Your's is the last one.

I apologize, I pre-emptively posted it, I didn't have the go ahead.

Wrote a short showcase on this btw, the article isn't up yet as it's under review.


Bought this for a blog writing project for a class (we needed to cover something recent so I took to to find a recently released game). Taken as a whole this game is a fantastic horror experience.

The sound design particularly got to me. Good sound design can make or break a game and it definitely made this one.

I'm gonna be honest. I see a lot of potential in the developer but the execution of this game was honestly a bit lacklustre.

Don't get me wrong, if you want a short, free, experience I'd suggest giving it a try but you'd get the same experience watching a Youtuber play it.

I liked the overall atmosphere and I'm a sucker for retro-style horror games like this, but it feels a lot more like a demo than a full game. Which is fine because it's free.

To the Dev, keep on making games and getting better at your craft. You have a lot of potential.