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Fuzzymoth Games

A member registered Aug 27, 2021 · View creator page →

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Recent community posts

Invasion community · Created a new topic Update v1.3

Fixed a bug where it was possible to be pushed behind a campfire in the first area

Added small icons near buttons and button gates to help the player

Changed some item descriptions to better hint at crafting recipes

Invasion community · Created a new topic Update v1.2

Fixed bug where you would have to reset your save to play the game

Added resolutions dropdown and "Reset Resolution" button in case you make your resolution too small

Invasion community · Created a new topic Files uploaded
(2 edits)

For some reason the game had no downloadable files for a time. I don't know why this happened, but it has been fixed

Invasion community · Created a new topic Update v1.1
(2 edits)

A pretty small update.

Added Bestiary, which can be found in the first area

Slightly changed the way saving works, you may have your save deleted if you played before this update

*Changes are not applied to the demo version.

No problem!

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I mean I’m just going off of the fact that this page isn’t getting updated and they said this page is essentially like a demo

Personally, I chose to use itch for my games for the low percentage of the sales they take but i don’t really know why the devs of this decided to use steam instead. Perhaps they decided to use the more well known platform? I don’t really know.

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highly doubt it

(This comment implies that I'm one of the devs of this game, I'm not, I was just going off of what they said in the description)

Invasion community · Created a new topic Bug Reports
(2 edits)

Post any bugs you've found here. Please include reproduction steps.

Known bugs:

Play button does not work until resetting save (Fixed)

Can get stuck behind campfire in first area (Fixed)

If the play button doesn't work, then go to Options and press Reset Save. This should have been fixed but putting it here in case it happens again.