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Furtivo Criação

A member registered Jul 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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I agree :(

I also have a post about this. Wonder you could comment on there too.

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Hi, leafo!

Is there a possibility that these changes regarding sorting are imminent?

Yes. I've also been missing more solid search and sorting options for a while now.


Atualizei minha moeda padrão para o Real Brasileiro.

Só fiz isso agora porque não sabia dessa opção antes heheh


Good job!

It must have been fun to create. Do you model all the objects in your games yourself? (I am a curious guy even sometimes).


It looks really cool!

Great job :)

I agree. More search and browse options would raise the level of so much. Since I registered, I look forward to seeing improvements of this kind implemented.

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Hey guys!

Do you have a minigame or a larger game based on minigames that is original to you and that you want to share?

I think it is the type of game that interests me most today, especially among small developers.




Note 1: I know I can only search for tags and find such games, but I also thought it would be cool for people with the same interest, be they devs or gamers, to be able to find this content in a topic and interact more easily.

Note 2: I don't know if I posted this topic in the most appropriate category. Please don't get me wrong if you find that too.




Thanks to everyone who can say something.

Please add options to sort games by price and maybe file size as well.

Now i'm scared o_o

Right on my birthday too. I think this game is for me lol

Very beautiful art.

Yeah man. I would love that would be implementend soon

Yes. I also think about the possibility of each game have, for example, three main tags and a larger number of general or secundaries tags; and the user could choose to search by main tags ou general/all tags.

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A good idea that I frequently see on the forums is the tag exclusion, wich could work to filter some troll games that deliberately include as many tags as possible to appear (unduly) on the search.

Furthermore, we have few sorts options, principally the sorts by popularity keep highlighted always the same games and hides forever to many others.

(I'm sorry for my english. It's not my native language)

I created this small sequence of illustrated pages in book form with the aim of both increasing my portfolio on the platform and observing the quality in the transmission of certain ideas and sensations through the design of projected shadows.
This is a study that I am doing and that I intend to implement in a future game. Please, considere download and give me feedback: on the overall quality of the design and if you would like to see something like this turn into an action / fight / point and click / etc game.
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Hi, guys. Do you know if gave up on making updates and improvements to the platform? There were some issues like search filters or order of results that I really miss, but I looked at the announcements for platform updates and the last one was in November 2019. I am very sad about the lack of implementation of some much needed options and I think that makes much less attractive to players and affects the reach of the games of the developers :(

Tks bro! Adjusted

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Hello, I come here to try to spread the game I developed a little.

 It is called "Row till the End" and is an endless runner in which he wanted to integrate a creative form of movement based on very simple controls.

Row till the End by Furtivo Criação (

Hug to everyone  :)

Great, bro! Is really funny to get crazy a bit, but on a relaxing way.